Erica Raymond surrendered her life to Jesus Christ while she was still a young girl at just twelve years old. As an ordained minister in her local church, she co-pastored with her husband, Rev. B. Robert Raymond, for over twenty-five years at Harvest Tabernacle Christian Endeavour Ministries.
In November 2012 Erica Raymond founded Eagles Gathering Outreach Ministries International and Mentoring Ministry, which has since evolved into Eagles Deliverance and Empowerment Ministry International. A Pioneer of success, Apostle Erica is committed to the growth and development of others and it is through this that Eagles Motivation and Training Solutions Academy was born.
Apostle Erica is a Mentor, Teacher, Christian Counsellor and the author of several religious, motivational and training literature, and a certified John Maxwell's Life Coach and Motivational Speaker.
Apostle Erica is a much sought after International Speaker and Deliverance Minister. She has travelled extensively throughout Jamaica, other parts of the Caribbean and the United States teaching and preaching about the delivering power of God to the body of Christ. With purpose and anointing, she is positioned by God to set the captives free through healing and deliverance; shine her light and win souls for Christ.
Hence, this material is simply designed to educate the Body of Christ about their spiritual freedom, spiritual warfare, ancestral curses and spiritual issues that affect the body, soul and spirit. (This is a must read).
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (John 10:10 - KJV).