About the Book
Are you taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back? Do you feel lost or hopeless? Do you feel as if your life is crumbling apart? Do you need a word from God? Are the circumstances, sorrows and afflictions of life pounding away at you, and it seems as if you are picking up the breadcrumbs of others? Do you feel as if people are picking up your breadcrumbs, benefiting from them, and leaving you out? Or, better yet, have you been praying for God to do something in your life, but nothing is happening? Well, your answer is here-this book "Breadcrumbs of Wisdom" has the answers that you have been seeking, as well as the ones that you may have been avoiding. I have found that The Secrets to Taking our Life Back are located right under our nose, hidden in The Book of Proverbs. The greatest wisdom known to man has always been hidden in plain sight; and, now it's up to you to pay attention to what's designed to build Godly character that will supersede any knowledge gained from any other Book of the Bible or on a bookshelf. However, in partaking from The Secret Tree of Wisdom, there is one thing you must understand is that there will be a sacrifice to receive the entitlement to the riddles that have been plaguing your life. In so many words, you will have to give up someone, do something, or play your role in a situation, circumstance or event that's out of your comfort zone to experience a deeper dimension of God, and the true wisdom that has been buried within The Book of Proverbs. This book, "Breadcrumbs of Wisdom" is going to reveal some of the Hidden Secrets of the Bible that are designed to help you trust God for Divine Provision. Of course, you may very well be able to provide for your own daily needs physically; but, what about your spiritual needs, emotional needs, mental needs, or spiritual guidance? One is just as important as the other, so why are we neglecting them? Is God not able to provide for them on a daily basis? Of course, He is able is indeed able to provide for those needs, but is it possible that He is withholding provision in those areas of dire need? I believe that the provisions that you are waiting for is wrapped up in the people, places and things that you are running from mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. If you are reading this book, it's time for you to forgive and move on. It is time for you to trust God to open up your destiny enriched provisions to allow your gift to make room for you, enabling you to make something beautiful with the breadcrumbs of your life.
About the Author: Ruby Fleurcius is an Author, Life Coach, Speaker, and a former Radio Personality. She presents the answers to life's questions in her Breadcrumb Series of Books, while speaking vibrantly about embracing our own unique form of greatness with a genuine spirit that has changed hearts, minds, and the lives of many. Countless people consider her a guardian angel or heaven sent; nevertheless, she declines that role to assume the title of being "Blessed to Be a Blessing," bringing forth practical wisdom in the areas of love, prosperity, business, work, health, family, social life, legal matters, life decisions, and spiritual growth through the concept of a Breadcrumb. Ruby Fleurcius gives you the tools to succeed where you have previously failed; she understands that everyone has different needs, and that's why she caters to the beginners all the way to the elite in stature. Her spiritual counsel is sought by political and religious leaders, entertainers, celebrities, business people, and those without fancy titles as well. Wisdom prevails, says Ruby Fleurcius. Wisdom will take you where people can't keep you. Once you dare to enter the world of WISDOM FROM WITHIN, you will find that the void from within is no more. As you become aware of many new dimensions within yourself, you will discover that you are much more powerful than you ever imagined! Ruby Fleurcius has been helping others for almost forty years, and now this is your opportunity to take advantage of the products, principles, concepts, and prayers that she used to help herself as well as others to achieve their goals of wealth, health, fame, peace, happiness, and good success. She says that the one thing that she has found is that when the opportunity comes knocking at your door, you must be ready and willing to let it in. Throughout her Breadcrumb journey, she has found that everyone needs somebody, everyone needs help at some point, and everyone will always have an opportunity to become better than they were the day before. Now, this is your opportunity to become one with Ruby to bring forth change in your life by learning and understanding the Power of a Breadcrumb.