The purpose of this book is to supply, in a simple layman yet joyful form suitable for anyone, clear guidance in the adoption and implementation of the entailed methodologies to achieve a successful and sustaining branding. If you are looking for answers on the above reason, you are on the right track. So, thank you for making this decision to pick up my book.
Unlike investment and self-improvement books, this book is going to be really straightforward, providing you all the essential information to build your own branding. When I wrote this book, I was aiming for just a hundred pages so that you can really digest all the information well without getting too overwhelmed or bored by the content.
I will start off defining the real meaning of branding and why you really need it before we go deeper. It is important that you get this perspective right or you will side track along the way. From there, I will touch on the social media platforms and trends, how it is different from traditional branding approach. I am going to share with you my seven principles of social media content and reach which is going to help in preventing you from making unnecessary mistakes in positioning yourself as a brand. Remember them well as you build your reputation.
Subsequently, you will learn about all the key algorithms in social media platforms to help you crack the system. This will be half the puzzle solved until you learned the Cross-Linked Individual Branding(c) (CLIB) model which is going to teach you all about creating long lasting and sustaining contents to build and establish your brand. Lastly, I will provide some easy guidance on how you can go about applying all you have learned. When you reached some level of success in your branding, please don't forget to mention this book.
An important thing to highlight is some of things shared such as the algorithms may be changed in the future as the digital world evolves. However, the fundamentals behind all of it will remain true for a long time. As you learned all these, it will help you through your branding journey ahead and you might even become savvier in learning the applications.
I believed this book is going to be an eye opening for you in many ways and no doubt you will finish reading it fast. The only thing that I request you to do is to take it slow and allow the information to be retained in you. Because you are going to rely on them as you apply them. You will know what I mean once you start your branding journey.
Ok, I am not going to be long-winded in my introduction. Let's cut the crap and start the ball rolling! Let's learn branding!