Far too many of us take our most precious organ for granted. If you are struggling to lose weight, sleep at night, find more energy, access more joy, or simply want to maximize your health and longevity, the connection between the brain and the body will provide the missing answers you have been waiting for. Brain health is a powerful indicator of overall health and wellbeing, and the connection between our brains and our bodies is scientifically undeniable. The mind-body connection reveals how our thoughts affect our physical health. But what so many of us fail to understand is that what we do to our body has a lasting effect on our brain and overall health. If you ignore your brain body symptoms, you raise your risk of serious cognitive decline and brain problems that we too often assume are far off into the future. In short, brain body health is the key to reversing a myriad of chronic symptoms and empowering us to live up to our potential and discover the lasting health we desire.
The information in these pages will completely change the way you look at your health. Dr. Sara Gottfried's BRAIN BODY DIET is a proven, 40-day program for healing the symptoms of Brain Body Breakdown, which include:
- Weight gain, thicker waistline, difficulty losing weight
- Fluid retention, feeling puffy all over, dull skin color, sensitivity to chemicals
- Brain fog, sluggishness, trouble concentrating or thinking clearly, slow mental processing speed
- Leaky gut, which may appear as gas, abdominal bloating and discomfort, acid reflux, constipation, loose stool
- Overwhelm, restlessness, or anxiety
- Depression, impulsivity, aggression
- Sugar, alcohol, or dairy cravings that you just can't ditch
- Addictive tendencies for food, alcohol, exercise, shopping, social media, or your smartphone
BRAIN BODY DIET is the program that so many have been waiting for. Filled with incredible success stories, thorough research, and the kind of rich insights Dr. Sara Gottfried is known for, BRAIN BODY DIET is the missing link for total body health.