The Botanical Beauty Flower Coloring Pages book has been derived from magnificent original watercolor paintings done over a century ago by various talented artists. We discovered them within several antique Botanical publications that have long been out of print, and have brought them back for you to enjoy in this new book.
Coloring fans, gardeners, and flower lovers, will find this coloring book a treat. There are 50 accurately rendered line drawings of beautiful garden flowers, with accompanying notes on each plant. Each flower is described in terms of color, and the structure of the plant. Both the common and botanical names are used, along with the class and order.
The flowers included are Common Yellow Crocus, Common Blue Hepatica, Two-leaved Squill, Spanish Daffodil, Common Dog's-tooth Violet, Perennial Adonis, Auricula, Large-flowered Bloodwort, Fine-leaved Peony, Early-flowering Lychnidea, Cyclamen-leaved Anemone, Panicled Lungwort, Russet Bell Flower, Dandelion-leaved Evening Primrose, Pretty Clarkia, Nipal Potentilla, Californian Eschscholtzia, Blue Catananche, Large flowered Coreopsis, Scarlet flowered Georgina, Hairy Rudbeckia, Caucasean Scabious, Refulgent Lobelia, Italian Aster, Semi double quilled pink Chrysanthemum, Superb White Chrysanthemum, Fragrant Coltsfoot, White Aconite, Flesh Colored, early flowering Heath, Round leaved Cyclamen, Oriental Hyoscyamus, Spring Orobus, Large flowered Uvularia, Spring Gentian, Clusius' Soldanella, Palmate leaved Violet, Large flowered Trillium, Painted Salpiglossis, Variegated Iris, Great flowered Larkspur, Self-colored Chinese Lily, Ovate-leaved Penstemon, Chili Avens, Scarlet flowered Vervain, Narbonne Flax, Yellow-flowered Tigridia, Broad-leaved Meadow Saffron, Dark-eyed Sunflower, Changeable-flowered Lupin, and Superb Cornflag.
Each of the line drawings is on one side of the pages only. This gives the best coloring experience because colors can't bleed through the sheet and spoil another line shot on the other side.
The back cover of this book shows the original colored versions of the drawings, to assist those who wish to render the colors accurately.
But please enjoy coloring these flowers any way you want. They are calling out for your skilled coloring hand to breathe new life into them!: )
Once colored, the images can be framed as your own original works of art! : )