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Chapters: Denmark-sweden Border, Finland-sweden Border, Norway-sweden Border, Kattegat, Oresund, Torne River, Skagerrak, Gulf of Bothnia, Coast Guard, Kvarken, Lake Kilpisjarvi, Ranseren, Treriksroset, Overuman, Unna Guovdelisjavri, Litlumvatnet, Bavrojavrre, Kjardavatnet, Siidda javri, Leirvatnet, Grasvatnet, Gautelisvatnet, Langvatnet, Rengen, Kingen, Vuolep Sarjasjavrre, Rogen, Vefsna, Holderen, Iddefjord, Muonio River, South Kvarken, Nasa Mountain, Rostojavri, Leinavatn. Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 86. Not illustrated. Free updates online. Purchase includes a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Excerpt: Torne River - The Torne rivershed has a total area of 37,300 km or 40,147.1 km (see sidebar). Of this, 25,393.1 km is in Sweden, 14,266.3 km is in Finland and 497.7 km is in Norway. The source of the Torne River is generally considered to be Lake Torne (Swedish: Tornetrask) near the border with Norway. Lake Torne is fed by Njuoraatno and Kappasjakka in the west, Gurttejohka, Snurrijakka, Bessejohka, Baggesgorsajohka, Davip Duoptejohka, Lulip Duoptejohka, Sarvajohka and others in the north, and Rakkasjohka, Gohpasjohka, Abiskojakka, Miellejohka, Bessejohka, Golkkokjohka, Nivsakkjohka and others in the south . Above Torne lake, the watershed of the Torne includes the villages Riksgransen, Katterjakk, Vassijaure, Laktatjakka, Kopperasen and Tornehamn. On the south shore of Torne lake are Bjorkliden, Abisko, Stordalen, Kaisepakte. Stenbacken and Tornetrask. On the north shore are the Sami villages Laimoluokta and Kattuvuoma . Beyond the lake, the Torne rivers flows unhindered by any concentrations of human inhabitants until the village of Kurravaara, around 12 km northeast of Kiruna. The river splits in two parts that only join at Kurravaara, the part between the river is Alajavri nature reserve (Alajavri naturreservat). Between the lake and Kur...http: //booksllc.net/?id=670172