Concentration is a valuable skill to develop. But it is not an easy skill to develop because of the distractions that you are surrounded by out there. You are surrounded by distractions outside, at home, in the office, and even when you're in your car. Distractions are everywhere that you go. Emails, mobile phones, smartwatches, and one gadget and social media notification after another. It is a wonder that we can concentrate for even five seconds at all with the perpetual distractions that are going on. As you are reading this, something has probably beeped and vibrated several times already, threatening to pull away your concentration.
The trick that you are looking to master is how you are going to eliminate these distractions when you need to concentrate. To buckle down and get something done, you need to buckle down and eliminate all the distractions. Yes, all the distractions, and this includes turning away from the one distraction we all have trouble: separating ourselves from Our mobile phones. If you want to be great at what you do, then concentration needs to take precedence over any other notification that is going to come buzzing in on your device.
Concentration does not always mean that you must be in a quiet room and all alone. Concentration is about the right techniques, methods, and strategies to help you harness that innate ability to focus that we all have within us. We have simply forgotten about it because we are so caught up in the distractions around us. Whether it is long term-focus or short-term focus, the ability to concentrate is the key to helping you succeed.
Switch the Focus On is the ultimate guide you need in your library to maximize on your concentration capabilities and switch on your focus. In this book, you can expect to learn:
-The hidden success factors behind concentration and why it is such a crucial skill to develop.
-How your ability to concentrate is going to change your life.
-Why goals matter for better focus and the mistakes you should avoid.
-Understanding habits and how to prioritize the right kind of habits.
-An introduction to the Pomodoro Technique, and how it can be used to kick procrastination in the butt.
-The science behind distraction, and the hidden distraction factor you never realized.
-How to sharpen your attention span and train your brain for better focus.
If you want to be great at what you do, the key is to focus on one thing at a time. Give it all you have and focus entirely on that. Successful people are not great at everything, but they are great at one thing. With the techniques in this book, you're going to develop a ferocious ability to concentrate and block out everything else. You will develop the ability to work as long and as hard as you need to without getting burned out once you learn how to concentrate and quit multitasking. Concentration is a valuable skill to develop, and now, you have everything that you need to get you started