The Book of Spells by Milla Walsh contains over a hundred magical spells and rituals for use by practitioners of Wicca or Witchcraft.
This book specializes in powerful spells specifically designed for the solo witch with strong focus on calling for simple ingredients most of which will already be on hand.
Included are bottle spells, incorporating your strong magic into glass to provide day in, day out protection or manifestation of your intent, and ritual baths to cleanse, to protect, or to enhance.
Chant out loud to promote change, produce calm, or banish negativity. Chant silently when you need to work your magic in secret. Chanting is a fast and simple way to work your magic when you need it most, any time or place.
Oil and powder recipes can be used to increase the power of your ritual tools, objects, or altar. You can anoint or powder yourself in preparation to celebrate a Sabbat, or sprinkle a powerful powder to promote peace, to create love, or to bring financial wealth towards you.
Talismans or charms can hold blessings for a loved one, home, or help manifest your specific needs. Casting instructions are included for household, energy, love, reversing, banishing, and wealth spells.