The Book of Emmanuel - Path to Wholeness and Beyond is a spiritual path to Wholeness, which is a state of being where a person is no longer in need of any form of validation and doesn't need any more healing; and instead they are finally free to discover and unveil themselves day by day, in both a spiritual and material way.
The Path the book presents to reach the state of Wholeness is a journey about letting go.
LET GO OF ANY EXTERNAL REFERENCESThe journey starts by letting go of all the external voices, including the voice of the mind, which eventually is just a radio which transmits the voice of our parents, friends, and society. Too many times we confuse that voice with our own voice, but in reality our own voice is the voice of the Soul, which speaks to us through our intuition and imagination. To be able to re-tune to our own radio frequency we need Silence, a state of the mind in which we are free of conditioning and are, so, able to listen to our own voice.
The first step toward our Wholeness is to stop and listen.
LET GO OF THE SENSE OF UNWORTHINESSThen, as we finally connect to our own voice, we start to realise that we are much more than what we thought. We aren't just a body and a mind: we are pure Beauty and Greatness. We are infinite beings capable of anything, and most of all, we are capable of bringing into the world the beauty and greatness that we all have within ourselves.
By paying attention to our true voice and by seeing our beauty reflected into the world around us, we can finally let go of our sense of unworthiness, and reach a state where we know our greatness and are no more tight to anything and anyone else. We are now truly self-directed.
LET GO OF ALL THE CHAINSStill, knowing our greatness is one thing, letting go of all the layers that hold it back is another. We need to take courage, and start to let go of anything that doesn't allow us to shine. We abandon our shelter and comforts, and start a journey of progressingly letting go of fears and chains, to be finally able to show up in the world in our full light, beauty and power.
LET GO OF THE NEED TO CONTROLWe are now completely naked, and so completely free. We know who we truly are and we know our direction. And we also have the courage to keep going into the unknown, as a way to discover and manifest more and more of ourselves.
A sense of faith in Life starts to arise in us, which allows us to let go of the need to control, so we can finally be free to enjoy this incredible journey that life is.
Free, full of joy and in tune with the flow of Life: a human being which reaches this state feels that living is like a spiral of ascending energy. This is the ultimate state of being, a state where we are finally Whole: we are complete with ourselves, and we no longer need to feed our insecurities, nor we need more healing. Reaching wholeness is like being born anew.
Now we can finally start experiencing the world with wonder, the same way a child does. At this point, Life truly is a magical and rich experience. And this is just the beginning.