About the Book
Tired of dreaming about finally losing weight for good, getting and staying healthy, living well, and conquering the mountains of life that steal nearly every ounce of our joy? Those dreams don't have to be dreams anymore. Get ready to take an amazing journey of discovery that addresses both sides of our being in this world for almost unbelievable results. Our two sides? Human and Spiritual. For a life filled with greatness, neither can be ignored. Submitted for your information, The Body Temple Solution. Divinely inspired and developed from the author's personal journey away from fear, darkness, and impending death, into a life filled with peace, eternal light, and divine personal power. The Body Temple Solution is a bridge between spiritual greatness and human frailty for victory in achieving weight loss, healing, illness prevention, and a life blessed with wellness and unprecedented favor. By addressing both our human needs and our spiritual growth, we are able to create unique results designed not only to last a lifetime, but to get better, stronger, and more effective the more we choose to think, believe, have faith, and use what we learn. We discover how to: - Transform our Body (with better eating, meal plans included). - Renew our Mind (with managed thinking, action items included). - Restore our Spirit (with powerful personalized divine connections, guidelines included). - And so much more. As the immortal, supernatural children of the Number One immortal, supernatural God, now is the time for us to step up and become who we are by finding and walking the unique path that is our birthright. The path that, by faith, defines our purpose and fulfills our destiny. The Body Temple Solution helps light the way.
About the Author: HATTIE HAMILTON is an American Author, Speaker, Christian Believer, and Faith Development Partner (FDP). After being diagnosed with morbid obesity and discovering it to be the root cause of massive fibroid tumors, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, a host of other diseases, and ultimately a monster called breast cancer, Hattie walked away from a lucrative career as a corporate executive, and contract and grant proposal writer to find and follow her true calling. Led by her education, experience, and beliefs, standing in faith, and acting on God's promises, Hattie's Body Temple Solution has brought her back from the brink of death. She found her path to healing, recovery, illness prevention, and a fulfilling life blessed with wellness. In the process, she also lost over 130 pounds using her discoveries. Hattie now informs, engages, and inspires others, regardless of their spiritual persuasion, to find and walk their personal path, by faith, to their own divine greatness. Her ground-breaking methods bridge the gap between our Human Side and our Spiritual Side by connecting spirit, mind, and body from the individual subconscious to the divine. This book, the first in a series, tells the story of a deity-inspired, systematic approach designed to achieve unprecedented success and harmony between all parts of who we truly are, and who we are destined to be.