Hey girl! let me take you on a journey on Some Facts About Menstruation
Menstruation (also called "period" and "menses") is the monthly flow of blood from the uterus through the vagina. Girls have their first menstruation during their puberty when they are about 1014 years.
They then have it about once a month until they reach menopause. Menopause is when a woman stops having periods, meaning she will no longer be fertile and not able to get pregnant naturally (at the age of late 40s to mid‐50s). period
The menstrual cycle is the time between the first day of a woman's menstruation to the first day of her next. The most common length for the menstrual cycle is 21‐35 days, with an average of 28 days. In the first part of the cycle, levels of estrogen increase, causing the lining of the uterus to grow and thicken. Simultaneously, an egg starts to mature in the ovaries, and about halfway into the menstrual cycle (around day 14) the egg leaves the ovary.
This is what is referred to as "ovulating". The egg then travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus. If the egg is fertilized by sperm and attaches to the uterine wall, the girl or woman becomes pregnant. If the egg is not fertilized, it will break apart and the thickened lining of the uterus will shed, causing the menstrual blood flow.
The bleeding usually lasts 2‐7 days and around 5‐12 tablespoons of blood are lost during this time.
The first years of a girl's menstrual cycle are usually irregular. Pre‐menstrual syndrome (PMS) happens in the latter part of every menstrual cycle and is caused due to changes in the levels of hormones.
PMS symptoms include bloating, swollen and sore breasts, mood swings, pain ("cramps"), as well as acne.
Every woman and girl's PMS is different. Whereas some might have PMS for two weeks, others might have it just for a couple of days, or not at all.
Some might feel very moody and not in control of their emotions, whereas others have painful cramps (or both). Your symptoms might also be different from cycle to cycle.
Many girls skip school because their cramps are causing them pain and physical discomfort. There are ways to alleviate the pain by applying warmth to the lower belly (a hand or hot water bottle), eating healthy (avoiding high levels of salt, sugar, alcohol, and caffeine), exercising, and practicing relaxing techniques (yoga).
Let 's talk about Belief, Myths, Taboos & Stigma Around Menstruation
In many cultures all around the world, it is taboo to speak about menstruation, even though more than half of the world's population menstruates. Almost all cultures have some form of beliefs, myths and taboos relating to menstruation.
These include unwritten rules and social norms about managing menstruation and menstruating women. For example, in some cultures, women and girls are told that during their menstrual cycle they should not bathe (or they will become infertile), touch a cow (or it will become infertile), look in a mirror (or it will lose its brightness), or touch a plant (or it will die). Funny enough, right?
Also, whereas tampons and menstrual cups can tear the hymen, they will never cause you to lose your virginity, as that requires sexual intercourse.
Due to the many cultural and/or religious misconceptions, myths, superstitions, and taboos regarding menstrual blood and hygiene, women and girls are sometimes deemed "impure" during their menstruation.
This can have devastating effects on women and girls, who can have control over their own mobility restricted by their family and community.
Taboos and stigmatization (i.e. condemning or showing disapproval) have...
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