★ 55% Discount for Bookstores! Now at 14.80$ instead of 32.90$! ★Do you want to discover the secret methods of subliminal persuasion for social influence? All politicians are, on some level, manipulators. There is really no other way for them to function. They need to convince people to ignore all the bad things about them - and with today's press, those bad traits and histories tend to come to light very quickly - and embrace those things they want to sell.
Unlike manipulation, influence takes the needs and desires of the subject into consideration and generally has the best interests of the person being influenced at heart. Parents want to influence their children to be safe and healthy; we want to influence friends and partners to be happy and fulfilled, our employees to be productive, our students to work hard and achieve.
Dale Carnegie posited that the approach you take when trying to influence people makes all the difference. He argued against criticism, condemnation or complaints, knowing them to be futile because putting someone on the defensive just wounds their pride and self-esteem, forcing them to justify themselves and breeding resentment. He argued instead for sincerely making the other person feel important, for smiling and developing a genuine interest in them, for listening and encouraging them to talk about themselves and speaking to them in terms of their interests.
Influence is born out of a sense of generosity and understanding. People are emotional beings, and we have to meet them at that point, not with cold logic and rationality, but with a warm emotional understanding of their own desires, loves, fears, and dreams. Once you learn what motivates someone, influencing them will be easy.
Dark emotional or psychological manipulation has some aspects of coercion and persuasion in it. The components of coercion are many, though good examples include brainwashing and bullying. From a human standpoint, these two are deceptive and abusive in nature. The people who use manipulation understand this too well, but they have to employ them so as to influence the behavior of their victims. Before the manipulation begins, the manipulator usually has its end goal in their head.
In this book we will discuss the following topics:
- The foundations of Manipulation
- Manipulation of the Mind through NLP
- Some skills to be developed to become a Manipulator
- Some Manipulation techniques
- How to understand if a person is Lying
- How verbal/non verbal communication are related to Body Language
- How to use body language in Public Speaking
- How is NLP used for Manipulating people?
- Some exercises (like mirror test)
- How is NLP used for Manipulating people
- Guide to identifying manipulation
- Mind Reading
- Why Manipulators Manipulate
...And Much More!
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