Do you know what Body Language is?Do you want to know how to Read and Analyze People?
A people analyzer or reader can quickly decipher an individual's personality through several attributes, including what he or she does in their spare time. For example, if you inquire what a person does in their spare time and they reveal they participate in community drives, volunteering activities or contribute to church initiatives, you know they are philanthropic, magnanimous or community conscious. Similarly, if a person says they love partying endlessly or watching television in their free time, they may be low on ambition or seek quick gratification. The point is, even something as seemingly trivial as what a person does in his or her spare time can reveal his or her personality.
How Psychology Improves Our Lives
While certain psychologists are of the opinion that our behavior is directly determined by genetics or heredity, others believe that it is a summation of all our experiences since birth. They are of the opinion that our immediate environment or the experiences we undergo in our immediate environment mold our behavior. For example, if a person experiences constant marginalization or prejudice on account of their class or race, they may grow up to despise wealth or seemingly superior races. They may empathize with the oppressed.
Similarly, if a person is constantly bullied, abused or victimized as a child, he or she may grow up to be a bully themselves. Much of their outlook, values, personality and attitude will be shaped by these early childhood experiences or violence and abuse.
Have you ever observed people who keenly attempt read their personality through zodiac signs or astrology? Isn't this a sign of possessing low self-awareness or understanding? People often gravitate towards things they believe they haven't got much of. For example, someone who hasn't been given sufficient attention by their parents during early childhood or teen years may grow up to be a person who thrives on drama and attention-seeking tactics. They may become more dramatic and showy.
There are plenty of clues everywhere. As a people analyzer, you just need to keep an eye out for these subtle clues.
Basic Psychological Concepts
Our mind is divided into three layers - the conscious mind, subconscious mind and unconscious mind. While the conscious mind or state of consciousness is awareness of thoughts, actions, learning and experiences, the subconscious and unconscious mind are realms of the mind that hold things we may not be aware of. Through the conscious mind, we have awareness of things we perceive and feel. We can process feelings, thoughts, concepts and ideas that are gathered from our immediate environment.
Do we have your attention now?
In this book we will discuss the following topics:
The Way People Breath
Posture and Body Orientation
Non Verbal of the Hands and the Palms
Detecting Lying and Deception
Non Verbal Cues
Interpreting Behavior Common Patterns
And Many More!
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