About the Book
The Blood-Brotherhood, is set in a period leading to World War 1, based in two imaginary villages, Burnside & Berkshire in Yorkshire with this child from London, being raised by guardian's, a Mr. A & Mrs M. Natas, after the boys parents, of high social standing, was shot, by what was believed as an element from the Mensheviks party based in a poor part of London.I have started the story from the boy named Ronald Zeskind, attending school at the age of five years, and his history of growing up to the age of fifteen, including what he has to face, as he too now finds it difficult to cope with many of the practices, by his peers, to promote, their speciality of teaching. From the cane, causing physical discomfort, as the victim is returned to his bench seat, to sit down. Food that was provided, free of charge, and should any be as left overs, who were the next eaters to finish the food?Albert and Mini Natas, have a separate teaching agenda, which on top of Ronalds homework, we is also, introduced to sessions of White Magic, as requested by the boys Mother, in her dying moments, who also gave peremptory instructions to her husbands couch driver, Albert & his wife Mini, who was made responsible for, her sons up-bringing, that Mini would take her child as her responsibility, to raise in her religion, until he was twenty one, then his true family name, as well as his place in Society already noted, in the House of Lords, London.The driver, Albert, was given many more tasks, to complete, on her demise, details of her husband and her bank details, and who to contact, the sale of their house, and all monies to be placed in the care of Mr, & Mrs Natas. As the property was sold they should immediately go to Yorkshire, buy property, and settle there, yet that left the couch driver, Albert with one final instruction, to seek out Head of the Jewish Religion in the London Synagog, to inform of what had occurred to her husband and herself, and find a surname for the child, to which Albert was told to use the name of Ronald Zeskind. Only then, did the Rabi, leave the conversation Albert and he had, in his personal file, then should he die before Ronald was 21m the next Head Rabi, who would be here in the future, would know to give Ronald his true identity. Albert, was also instructed, that due to the surge of Marxism, the child would be a target, as the action of his parents, led to a chamber of Marxists death in Sidney Street, with a Police shootout, were it was discovered, one person had escaped, via secret passageway from this building, and never yet found?So this was Ronalds past, his future started as he went to school, with Albert and Mini, always as a team to make sure he was safe, and constantly aware of the dangers from London, which was hoisted on them, by means no one ever suspected, as friends, that seemed to be true, were in actual fact, evil waiting for the right moment to attack.Yet for Ronald, he found new interests, as he grew older, as a woman entered into his life, as well as beer, yet the former, was of a more personal choice, every waking moment, with Mini, watching carefully, yet youth finds away?FOR THIS REASON... I HAVE MADE IT... ADULT READING ONLY!Some of the language I have used, is about this time, as washing machines, became Dolly Tubs, Agar's, became cookers, Charabanc became coaches or buses, nowt... is still nowt, so have fun!I do hope you enjoy my book, as I finished it prior to Ronald, may or may not go to University, so there may be a second book soon?Best wishes to you all, and keep safe?David J Moranwwwdavidjmoran.co.uk