In the aftermath of Heroes of Old, John Larocque and his daughter, Jackie, struggle to recover from the damage caused by infamous serial killer Slade Lassiter and Lassiter's mysterious employer. Meanwhile, retired Navy SEAL Xavier Baddam starts his workday at a small, seemingly unimportant genetic research facility.
When men claiming to be terrorists attack the lab, Xavier notices they seem to be looking for something. Drawing upon powers he doesn't understand, Xavier fights back-a decision that launches him into a world rooted in shadowy antiquity.
Xavier has stumbled into a millennium-old secret: that the genetic descendants of celestial beings walk the earth and exhibit abilities far beyond the norm-and they're engaged in a tangled web of plot and counterplot. At stake is the ultimate prize of alchemy: the Philosopher's Stone.
To understand the present, Xavier, John, and Jackie enter the Library, the repository of the Knights Templar's forbidden knowledge, and discover that the danger they face originated in the fourteenth century-when the game of kings played out across nations.
Soon Xavier and his newfound associates must make an agonizing decision: accept their roles as the Library's guardians, or destroy the Templars' dangerous knowledge-and their own history.
About the Author: A software engineer by day, history lover Todd Crusan lives in the Philadelphia area. By night, he writes down his visualizations of a world still influenced by the Knights Templar and their descendants. The Blood of Heroes continues the story he began in Heroes of Old.
When not writing, Crusan enjoys reading fantasy and science fiction, playing Angry Birds, and sampling good beer.