Build An Income Generating Blog That Doesn't Suck Up All Your Time
What if you could make money from home doing what you love? Imagine having extra to pay for family vacations, your kids' college, or next month's mortgage. Or if you could earn a full-time income from the comfort of your own home.
You don't have to work long hours to earn an income online. Nor do you have to waste hours chasing short-term tactics that don't work.
In this book, the authors teach you EXACTLY how to start a blog and earn your first $1000 (or more). If you love writing and are passionate about a topic then blogging is the perfect work-at-home job for you.
In this practical and fluff-free guide, you'll find step-by-step instructions on how to:
* Pick a blogging niche that is profitable and exciting.
* Set up a blog for less than $100 (even if you have no technical skills).
* Easily create content you and your readers love.
* Earn at least $1000 from your blog - using six proven monetization strategies.
* Market your blog like a pro (in less than one hour a day).
As you advance in your blogging career, you can grow a business around your blog. When you put your ideas out into the world, you make connections. You meet people who share your interests and new opportunities come your way.
Get your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!