Do you believe that words, when selected carefully and used creatively, can motivate, inspire, correct, and guide?
Would it be helpful if you can use less words to achieve more results in your personal, professional, social, or spiritual life?
Our world is getting busier. Knowledge and information are increasing, leaving people daily with the hard choice of who and what to listen to. Therefore, as we communicate our thoughts and ideas with people around us, saying more may not necessarily guarantee more impact in the lives of our hearers. Carefully selecting our words and creatively using them will ensure our hearers pay attention to us, clearly understand us, and connect with the theme of our message for longer periods.
Quotes and short phrases that embody wisdom and are divinely inspired would play a major role in helping us achieve better results with our communication, especially when they touch on key aspects of our lives like faith, prayer, purpose, relationship, etc. Divinely inspired quotes and short phrases could be the missing link between our words and the impact we expect in the lives of our hearers.
Bless Your World with Less Word is therefore a book written to:
-Introduce you to short phrases and quotes that can help drive clarity and conviction during communication, as well as inspire hope and reaffirm godliness.
-Stir up awareness and reflections on how less can be said to achieve more in life.
-Unlock the wisdom contained in short phrases and quotes that can help bring about transformative changes in our world.