About the Book
"Bleeding Heart Cadaver" is a poetry book based on the September through December 2011 issues of Down in the Dirt magazine (founded in 2000, http: //scars.tv/dirt) into this poetry and prose (and very occasionally artwork), published by Scars Publications. Contributors in this colledction book inlcude Janet Kuypers, Tom Ball, Robert Brabham, Mike Brennan, Jack Bristow, Jon Brunette, Zachary Burd, John L. Campbell, Lisa Cappiello, Jim Carson, Connor Cook, Matt Cunha, Greg Davis, Holly Day, U. Ebiz, Ashley Fisher, M. Robert Fisher, Phyllis Green, Katrina K Guarascio, Fritz Hamilton, Christopher Hanson, J.E. Harris, Joseph Hart, Kelsey Hebert, Jem Henderson, Laine Hissett-Bonard, Timothy Kidwell, Kate Kimball, Arthur Winfield Knight, Ben Leib, Kirby Light, E. J. Loera, Sandy Longley, Brian Looney, Brian LoRocco, Robert D. Lyons, Jeremy Mac, S. MacLeod, Ben Macnair, Marcin Majkowski, Sarah Mallery, Sarah Lucille Marchant, Denny E. Marshall, Pete McArdle, Eric McKinley, David Meuel, Matthew Middleton, Will Millar, Sonnet Mondal, Tim Moraca, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, Daniel J O'Brien, Andrew H. Oerke, Corry O'Neill, Victor Phan comic, Ryan Priest, Elle Pryor, John Ragusa, Emma Eden Ramos, Ron Richmond, Henry Sane, Penn Stewart, Mary Stone, Kelsey Threatte, Alexander G. Tozzi, Clinton Van Inman, and Mel Waldman.