In the first poem, The Blazon And The Sword,
we are immersed into the realms of ancient
secrets that can set captives free... After four
esoteric limericks about Albert Einstein,
we find ourselves racing on a horse
in the middle of a dream... The Elements
Mysterious poem is about the three heavens,
which is followed by a torrid, atom splitting dive into Love...
Have you ever wondered about the agonies some poets
go through? Well, in the poem, The Bees... The Flowers...
The Breeze..., I take you through a personal experience...
As with the previous two poetry books, there is once again
comedy. Including, as before, Mr Spock tickling your funny
bone... The last few poems are about my adventures with
God - these are not plain religious experiences,
but real exclamations! Intrigued!?