Andres Aloi's Black Wolf is the unabashedly frank tale of an alienated young man's painful-sometimes painfully funny-loss of innocence.
The dark, artistic, intelligent, and always-questioning Vincent Wing is at the end of his high-school career. At the same time, he is dealing with mixed emotions about the two girls in his life-his ex-girlfriend, Clara, and the new object of his desire, Maggie.
As the narrative of a debauched senior trip to Brazil unfolds, the reader realizes that Vincent is reflecting back on it all as an older man coming to terms with his life.
Aloi's main character, Vincent, reflects what many young men experience but rarely share. He struggles with handling his emotions and managing his sexual feelings. He is questioning himself as well as social institutions such as Christianity, education, and career.
Vincent's stress level peaks as his psyche is plagued, haunted by visions of the mysterious black wolf.
Aloi's book is utterly authentic. His often-vulgar candidness vacillates from darkly brooding to riotously funny. His story is relatable, but his style is distinctive, fresh, and evocative.
About the Author: Andres Aloi was born in 1989 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he now resides. He has pursued his creative passions in art, film, music, acting, and screenwriting, having studied film direction, acting, communications, guitar, and history. In his free time, he enjoys watching movies and listening to music, and always reading. As a cinephile, he loves to collect films, and he also collects vinyl records.
The author admits to being an artistic type who was once stuck in a business-oriented high school. As a student, he traveled to Brazil on a senior trip that inspired him to begin writing what would become his novel Black Wolf. Aloi's style is unapologetically blunt, but with a fresh, new perspective-a welcome addition to literary fiction. Like his character Vincent, he suffers from fantastical "Walter Mitty daydreams," during one of which he first encountered the lone, ice-skating, black wolf.