What should you do about headaches if money was no problem?
The Billionaire's Book of Headaches is what leading neurologist Dr. Raeburn Forbes would say to someone for whom money was no object.
You need to benefit from the results of research. Try to understand headaches, and headache treatment, better. Research tells us what happens over a lifetime to people with frequent headaches, so you need to sort out your thinking and expectations first.
Then find out why looking for causes is a waste of time - it's not about curing headaches, but reducing risk.
Next you must avoid common mistakes with medicines. If you don't use them properly you get the side-effects but no benefits. Have a plan of action and stick to it.
You have to look at drug-free options. Apart from eye tests, most people overlook these. Drug-free options are safer - but as powerful - as any of the medicines on offer.
Last of all, discover the truth about migraine triggers. Dr Forbes talks about 'The Law of Migraine Triggers'. Is it time you broke this law?
At the end of the book there is even a section on what to do when it seems like nothing has worked.
This is a new approach to headaches that puts you back in control. You'll be lucky to get 15 minutes with your doctor to discuss headaches. If you know that you do not have a dangerous reason for headaches, this book could be a game-changer. So what are you waiting for?
About the Author: Dr. Raeburn Forbes, MD (Hons), graduated from the University of Dundee Medical School in 1992 with an MBChB and in 2000 with MD (Honours). Dr. Forbes's work as a senior neurologist includes helping patients who experience frequent headaches, training medical students and health-care professionals to manage headache-related issues, and speaking for the Migraine Association of Ireland. In addition to serving on the board of the Irish Institute for Clinical Neuroscience, Dr. Forbes is a member of the International Headache Society, the American Headache Society, and the British Association for the Study of Headache. Since 2008 he has written the Severe Headache Expert website - which has had over 5,000,000 visitors, and the book is based on what he tells his own patients. Dr Forbes and his family live in Northern Ireland, where they enjoy spending time together outdoors.