The Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECE) conducts the Bihar Polytechnic Entrance Examination for admission to engineering programmes in government polytechnics in the state of Bihar. This book has been designed for the aspirants preparing for the Bihar Polytechnic Examination which will be held under BCECE 2017.
The present book for Bihar Polytechnic BCECE 2017 has been divided into three sections covering Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as per the syllabus of the Bihar Polytechnic Examination 2016. The physics section has been divided into 18 chapters namely Measurement, Thermodynamics, Laws of Motion, Reflection of Light, Refraction of Light, Electrostatic, Gravitation, Hydrostatics, Electric Current, Kinetic Theory of Matters, Optical Instruments, etc. whereas the Chemistry section has been divided into 18 chapters covering Atomic Structure, Catalysis, Water, Fuels, Zero Group Elements, Industrial Chemistry, Different Chemical Reactions, Valency, Elements, Mixture and Compounds, etc. The Mathematics section has been divided into 22 chapters namely Number System, HCF and LCM, Rational Expressions, Time and Distance, Time and Work, Area, Volume and Surface Area, Geometry, Statistics, Linear Equations, Quadratic Equations, Logarithms, Height and Distance, Statistics, etc. Each chapter in the book contains ample theoretical content as well as number of solved problems which have been designed on the lines of questions asked in the previous years' Bihar Polytechnic Examination. Unsolved practice exercises have been provided at the end of each chapter to help aspirants revise and practice the concepts covered in the chapters. Hints and solutions to the practice exercises have also been provided at the end of the book. The book also contains 2015 Solved Paper and 2016 Model Solved Paper of Bihar Polytechnic Examination which will help aspirants get an insight into the examination pattern and the types of questions asked therein.
As the book contains ample study as well as practice material designed as per the revised examination pattern of Bihar Polytechnic Examination, it will serve as the perfect resource book for the upcoming Bihar Polytechnic BCECE Entrance Examination 2017.