About the Book
About the Author: Robert Bartholomew holds a Masters Degree in sociology from The State University of New York at Albany, and a Ph.D. in sociology from James Cook University in Queensland, Australia. He is an authority on mass psychology: rumors, panics, scares, hysterias and social delusions. Dr. Bartholomew's articles have appeared in more than fifty scholarly publications including the British Medical Journal, British Journal of Psychiatry, Canadian Medical Association Journal, Medical Journal of Australia, The International Journal of Social Psychiatry, and Psychological Medicine. A former university instructor and researcher, he has conducted fieldwork among the Malay people in Malaysia and taught Aborigines in outback Australia. Dr. Bartholomew was a journalist for several New York State radio stations, including WGY, Schenectady, one of the largest stations in the United States. He has been interviewed for articles that were featured in The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, The San Francisco Chronicle, and The New Yorker. He has also been interviewed on the History Channel. A licensed high school teacher, his book Hoaxes, Myths & Manias: Why We Need Critical Thinking (2003) was endorsed by Robert J. Sternberg, then President of the American Psychological Association. Dr. Bartholomew is the co-author (with Hilary Evans) of Panic Attacks: Media Manipulation and Mass Delusion (2004) which Steven Poole of The Guardian calls "entertaining...detailed and informative." His book Exotic Deviance is a groundbreaking study on the misclassification of mental disorders in non-Western cultures. Professor Arthur Kleinman, chairman of the Department of Social Medicine at Harvard University, calls it "clear, competent and comprehensive." Paul Bartholomew has been investigating Bigfoot sightings for over thirty years across New York and Vermont. He holds a bachelors degree in journalism from Castleton State College in Castleton, Vermont, where he studied under anthropologist and Pulitzer Prize nominee Dr. Warren L. Cook. Paul worked closely 166 167 with Professor Cook for several years, investigating regional Bigfoot sightings until his death in 1989, at which time Dr. Cook willed his Bigfoot materials to him in hopes that his work would continue. Paul was a research consultant for the December 2005 History Channel documentary, Giganto: The Real King Kong (Whitewolf Entertainment Inc., and in May 2004 for the Outdoor Life Network documentary, The Creature of Whitehall (Whitewolf Entertainment Inc.). Paul is a regular guest with popular mystery writer Brad Steiger on the Jeff Rense Radio Show. He has also appeared on The X-Zone Radio Show. For two decades he has spoken on the topic of Bigfoot to museums, schools and civic organizations in New York and Vermont. He has frequently appeared on regional media outlets (television, radio and newspapers). In 2005, Paul made national headlines by successfully lobbying the Whitehall, New York town board to pass an ordinance making it an offense to harm Bigfoot within the township. Christopher L. Murphy retired from the British Columbia Telephone Company (now Telus) in 1994. He served with this company for 36 years in various management positions including Purchasing Manager and Vendor Quality Manager. He authored four books on business processes and taught a night school course on vendor quality at the British Columbia Institute of Technology. An avid philatelist, Chris has also authored several books on philately. About a year before he retired, he met the noted sasquatch researcher René Dahinden, and the two became close friends. Chris subsequently republished Roger Patterson's book, Do Abominable Snowmen of America Really Exist?, and Fred Beck's book, I Fought the Apemen of Mt. St. Helens. Both books were published through Chris' own publishing company, Pyramid Publications (New Westminster, British Columbia). Chris went on to author, in association with Joedy Cook and George Clappison, Bigfoot in Ohio: Encounters with the Grassman (Pyramid Publications, 1997). In 2000, Chris embarked on a project to assemble a comprehensive pictorial presentation on the sasquatch. This initiative led to a sasquatch exhibit in 2004 at the Vancouver Museum, British Columbia. Chris authored, in association with John Green and Thomas Steenburg, his classic work Meet the Sasquatch (Hancock House Publishers, 2004) to accompany his exhibit. This work received the Anomalist Book of the Year award for that year in the category, Best Illustrated Book. Chris then wrote a supplement to Roger Patterson's book and it was republished under the title The Bigfoot Film Controversy (Hancock House Publishers, 2005). In 2006, Chris updated his Ohio book with his same associates, and it too was published by Hancock House under the title: Bigfoot Encounters in Ohio: Quest for the Grassman. After the Vancouver Museum exhibit ended in February 2005, Chris' exhibit travelled to the Museum of Mysteries in Seattle, Washington, where it was displayed for about five months. Then in 2006, Chris was asked to provide his exhibit to the Museum of Natural History, Pocatello, Idaho (Idaho State University). The exhibit opened on June 16, 2006 and ran until September 3, 2007. Throughout his 14 years in sasquatch/bigfoot research, Chris has provided many presentations at conferences and has appeared in several television documentaries on this subject. One of his highly noted accomplishments was the construction of a scale model of the Patterson/Gimlin film site. The model was featured in Fate magazine (March 2003) in his article "Bigfoot Film Site Insights," and it continues to be a unique attraction at his museum exhibits.