It is no surprise that, much like everything else,
the retirement landscape has changed vastly from
days past. e "baby boomer" generation is retiring
now and they will nd challenges their parents and
grandparents never faced in this new retirement
frontier. However, even though there seems to be a
perfect storm of complexities putting a big squeeze
on today's retiree, it does not mean that a nancially
secure and anxiety-free retirement is out of reach!
e BIG Squeeze, walks you through the intricacies
of several factors currently in uencing today's
retiree. is includes but is not limited to increasing
life-spans, in ation, Medicare costs and coverage,
social security bene ts, and annuities. In this book,
Je Cirino, EMBA, CFP(R), a professional nancial
planner and Celebrity Expert(R), o ers sound, biasedfree
advice to help you understand all the di erent
options that may be available to you while planning
for, and during, your retirement.
Just because there is a new retirement frontier, does
not mean that YOU need to su er a BIG Squeeze
on your nances! All the challenges currently facing
today's retiring boomers are 100% preventable and
this book is dedicated to helping you make the
best decisions to protect and ensure your nancial
well-being. Retirement is just the beginning of a
wonderful, new phase of life - make sure you are
able to live it to the fullest!