A real world tool for helping develop effective marketing strategies and plans. -- Dennis Dunlap, Chief Executive Officer, American Marketing Association For beginners and professionals in search of answers. -- Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, President Emeritus and University Professor of Public Service, The George Washington University
A 'must read' for every business major and corporate executive. -- Clarence Brown, former Acting Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce
The Biggest Companies. The Boldest Campaigns.
The most comprehensive book of its kind, The Big Book of Marketing is the definitive resource for marketing your business in the twenty-first century. Each chapter covers a fundamental aspect of the marketing process, broken down and analyzed by the greatest minds in marketing today. For the first time ever, 110 experts from the world's most successful companies reveal their step-by-step strategies, proven marketing tools, and tricks of the trade--fascinating, exclusive, real-world case studies from an all-star roster of companies, including:
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No matter what business you're in--from retail and manufacturing to service and nonprofit--The Big Book of Marketing offers the most practical, hands-on advice you'll ever find . . . from the best in the business.
Anthony G. Bennett taught marketing at Georgetown University. With three decades of experience in the field, he has held a variety of key marketing positions at Fortune 500 companies, including AT&T and others. He resides in McLean, Virginia.
About the Author: Anthony G. Bennett has worked as a marketing and sales executive at several Fortune 100 companies. He teaches marketing at Georgetown University.