Fast track your bible study
Lifeword Journals Bible Study notebooks give you an opportunity to get alone with God in personal study. We believe that the word of God is pure, living and life changing and the Holy Spirit is the One we ultimately need to guide us to read, understand, and respond to the word.
First pray, simply select the book you wish to study from your Bible and with your corresponding Lifeword Journals Bible Study Notebook read a chapter or a portion of a chapter and then record what the spirit communicates to you. Once you get into the word of God, he will talk to you through his word. As he speaks to you, record what you have heard and facts from the scriptures you wish to note. Don't forget to record promises, commandments, instructions, and admonitions from your time of study. Ensure you note how you can make the scripture applicable to your life.
Improve your study of God's word and your ability to hear from him personally
Quieting our hearts before God is an art we all need to develop. With today's fast-paced technology and, information bombarding us from every angle who should we listen to? We should listen to God. However, this is easier said than done, and many times we cannot hear from God because we are too busy hearing from everyone else. Now you can zero in on hearing from God with a blank canvas, cornell note styled Bible Study Journal just waiting for you to record what you have studied from your own interactions with God's word.
Get the most out of your Bible Study
The Cornell styled note paper provides a combination of ruled lines and a columnar space to the left of each page where you can put chapter headings, special verse, a promise, an instruction, the topic of your bible study, stickers, or your personal doodles.
Customize each page and be creative as you stay in touch with God.
The untold secret of effective bible study
It is simple, in this beautiful but simple journal waiting for you to unearth and immortalise the wisdom you have received from God on blank pages, you will enjoy an effective and personal study of God's powerful word.
Open the floodgates to joy, happiness and emotional peace by using this simple Bible Study Journal. The Lifeword Journals Bible Study Notes provide and incredibly easy method that works for all ages.