As you take your own trip through Bible Journey in Song, Rhyme, and Verse, you will sing and
learn about the content in each book of the Bible. The songs, which may be spoken or sung,
are tunes from well-known hymns, Christmas carols, patriotic songs, and young children's
favorites such as "B-I-N-G-O." And there is the challenge of learning a verse from each book.
Go with Moses from river basket to Sinai to the tune of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" and through
Joshua's battles with the music to "Caissons Go Rolling Along." Review Elisha's miracles to the
tune of "Camp Granada" and join runaway Jonah to the music of "Alouette."
Continue with the birth of Jesus to the music of "Amazing Grace," and sing the experience
of Passion Week in Mark's Gospel to the tune of "Do, Lord." Put on the armor of God as
admonished in Ephesians to the music of "Sound the Battle Cry," and learn Paul's advice to
Philemon to the tune of "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." End with the glories of Revelation 22
to the music of the carol "Angels from the Realms of Glory."
"What a delightful collection of creative songs! The combination of simple tunes with
memorable lyrics is sure to bring both joy and learning to children and families. This music
book is a splendid combination of great love for Scripture and for young people."
Rev. John Cannon
Asbury United Methodist Church
Lafayette, LA
"This creative work is an inspired musical aid that will help every Bible teacher and parent
to achieve their deepest desire to imprint on the hearts of their students the gems of the Bible.
The students will be spontaneously singing these words even in their sunset years."
Rev. Deacon Joseph Vidrine, ret.
Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese