Bhimayana: Experiences Of Untouchability is a heart-rending account of the problems that were faced by the untouchables in India. The story chronicles the journey of Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, who was also born an untouchable. This great revolutionary of India had to face numerous challenges as he grew up in a society where untouchability was rampant.
Facing all of these challenges bravely, Dr. Ambedkar made his mark in history when the Constitution of India was drafted by him. Dr. Ambedkar then went on to embrace Buddhism as well. The problems faced by him are also the problems faced by many millions of other dalits in India.
The authors of Bhimayana: Experiences Of Untouchability have taken great pains to provide the readers with an accurate picture of the problems faced by the dalits. They have provided historical references such as the Mahad Satyagraha. They have also made use of several modern-day illustrations as well.
About The Authors
The author of this book, Durgabai Vyam, is a well-known Gond Artist, hailing from Madhya Pradesh.
Vyam began practicing the art of Digna from the age of six. Digna is the traditional art form designed on walls and floors during festivals and weddings. She began to get recognition for her paintings in the year 1996, after displaying her art works at Bharat Bhawan, on the invitation of Anand Singh Shyam. After that event, Vyam has been a part of almost every art exhibition in Delhi, Dehradun, Indore, Bhopal, Khajuraho, and Raipur. She has worked along with Tara Publishing, by illustrating a number of books published by them. Vyam has also been given the IGNCA Scholarship for the year 2006-07.
Subhash Vyam is also a well-known Gond artist from Madhya Pradesh.
Subhash began working from the young age of ten to support his family by selling betel leaves. However, he managed to find some time to design clay figures. He was ecstatic after one of his clay models was sold for 200 rupees. In the year 2002, one of his ink sketches was awarded with the Rajya Hastha Shilpa Puraskar.