About the Book
An intriguing, sometimes embarrassing, multi-biography that provides an insight into the life and times of Colonel E. C. Brooks, his family, friends, associates and comrades-in-arms. Brooks rose from obscurity to witness the making of history, and like many West Point graduates became an active participant in the shaping of the world at the turn of the century! This is the tale of his odyssey.This complete biography commences before E. C. Brooks' birth and chronicles his family's pioneer roots in the history of Oregon and Washington. Brooks' personal journey through life is documented from birth to the United States Military Academy at West Point, and continues through his careers as a United States Cavalry officer, college professor, Auditor of Cuba, railroad engineer, treasure hunter, entrepreneur, commission agent, and traveling representative. Brooks' life journey also placed him in close personal contact with three US Presidents and countless well-known military officers of the period, including Generals Wood, Gorgas, Goethals and Pershing among others. Brooks was a witness and participant in the American Indian Wars and the death of Sitting Bull, the Spanish American War and Philippine Insurrection, and the construction of the famed "Railroad in the Sky" of Ecuador. Many other historical events play a role in the telling of Brooks' intriguing story, from the Great Chicago Fire to the building of the Crosby Mansion Tawasentha in Brewster, Massachusetts.Although Major E. C. Brooks mounted two expeditions in search of a fabled Inca treasure in the Llanganati Mountains of Ecuador, these adventures were but minor acts in the life and times of Colonel E. C. Brooks. His story doesn't end in the mysterious mountains of Ecuador, but continues for more than a decade after his adventures in search of Inca gold. His is not a story about treasure, but of a man who spent a few months of his life in search of a treasure. This accurate and complete story of the life and times of Edwards Cranston Brooks, one of the more interesting, elusive, and obscure explorers of the mysterious Llanganati Mountains begs to be told. This book relates Brooks' intriguing life story . . . Beyond West Point.
About the Author: A Vermont native raised in the resort community of Stowe, at twenty-three the author traveled to Ecuador to visit a childhood friend serving in the United States Peace Corps. While in Quito Mr. Charbonneau fell in love with a young Ecuadorian girl, within months they were married. Little did he know at the time, destiny would forever tie him to this mysterious land and its people. Nearly a decade passed before Mr. Charbonneau was drawn back to Ecuador and became involved within a story of international intrigue, espionage, murder, kidnapping, embezzlement, deceit, discovery and untold secrets! Mr. Charbonneau formed Ecuadoran Explorations, Inc. and was no stranger to the United States Embassy, Ministry of Defense, Presidential Palace and Institute of Patrimony & Culture in Quito. Over a two year period, as President and CEO of Ecuadoran Explorations, he applied for an Archaeological Permit and negotiated the terms of a Presidential Decree and contract for the recovery of Inca treasure from the Llanganati Mountains of Ecuador. Although the contract and decree had successfully been negotiated, drafted and were awaiting signature, Ecuador's Attorney General advised his President that a contract and decree were not a requirement for the company to proceed with the project. For political reasons the President then expressed his desire that the project continue without this documentation. Absent written terms and assurances, the fear of confiscation or of ending up in an unmarked grave, doomed the project. Decades later Mr. Charbonneau decided to tell his story and publish the entirety of writings, drawings, discoveries and secrets of renowned Ecuador treasure expert Eugen Brunner. Six months later an expanded second edition included a detailed biographical account of Brunner's life, with new information, details and twists! Arguably a leading expert on the topic, Mr. Charbonneau's personal connection and involvement with this story allows him, through mere prose, to take seemingly unrelated events and draw back the veil of mere coincidence, thereby connecting the unconnected! His characters, both good and bad, are presented in a "matter of fact" style which reminds the reader that the events he relates are fact, not fiction. Mr. Charbonneau's extensive research has rewritten history, uncovered new information and revived interest in a centuries old treasure quest! Obsession, love, political intrigue, deception, mystery, adventure, his books have it all!