As a life coach, personal development, financial freedom, and goal achievement have always been John Brown's major concerns towards humanity.
Over the years, He has written several books on personal development, career opportunities, wealth creation, etc.
However, Beyond Riches is another of his books that is focused on not only giving you theoretical knowledge but to provide you with strong actionable points and strategies that will help you pursue and achieve your set goals as well as give you insights on how to build wealth.
Is it possible to achieve your goals and live your dreams? - Yes!
You can achieve your objectives or goals and build wealth -- but first, you have to learn how to think and act like successful people.
Successful people are not made by happenstance or negative beliefs ( negative mindset); achieving goals and amassing riches requires rigorous planning and decisive action.
This self-discipline book is about replacing those negative and limiting beliefs as well as exposing you to the amazing methods and strategies that will assist you on your journey to success.
In this book, John Brown shares the secrets as to why some Individuals succeed financially and others remain in debt.
In this book, you'll:
- Learn the basic strategies that will assist you to achieve your goals.
- Learn the laws and principles of frugality.
- Get clear insights and the difference between being rich and being wealthy.
- Learn the secret strategies that have been used by prominent and successful businessmen around the globe to achieve their goals and build their fortunes.
This book teaches you both the mindset changes and the positive habits required to help you achieve your goals as well as financial independence.
This book contains several case studies and stories of both individuals you should learn to avoid their mistakes as well as those inspiring individuals you should follow their steps in your day-to-day routine as you push towards achieving your goals and living a successful life.
This is the self-help and financial primer you need to take control of your negative thoughts (attitudes), your bad habits, and your money to make them serve a definite major purpose in your life.
When you learn to live by the principles or guidelines in this book, you can join the ranks of successful individuals who build a lasting legacy of wealth and bring their dreams to reality.