Through a kaleidoscopic lens, this cross-cultural novel uniquely chronicles one family's compelling saga based mostly on the real-life experiences. This multi-generational tale explores the powerful dynamics of both the ordinary and extraordinary moments in the human journey: be they funny, awkward, sad, happy, or sacred.
Just before sunrise, on a cool October morning in 1950, Rishi and Tej welcome the birth of their son, Sam. Born in an Indian village, Sam is loved and cherished from the start, steeping in the powerful lessons of his faithful father and his doting mother. These teachings help shape Sam's character and instill in him the belief that he can dream big.
From childhood, through college, onto marriage, and then parenthood, Sam explores many ups and downs of life. Despite building a very successful professional career in India, he's long had his eyes set on America. Finally, at the age of 40, he dares to risk everything and follow his dream to the US. In his steadfast pursuit of oversized dreams and his determination to reach Beyond Infinity, Sam takes astounding steps and stretches out of his comfort zone. With a perceptive compass and conscientious preparation, he dares to venture into "the impossible," leading his family from India to the U.S. as he becomes the master of his own fate.
The MVP of Sam's life, his spouse Anita, supports him unconditionally as he takes big chances. Moving his family to The States means big changes for Sam's wife and children, but the story doesn't end there. As the kids age, they'll need to decide whether to follow the traditional customs they've known in India, or live more freely as modern Americans. Many decisions must be made at every turn, whether dealing with the concept of multi-generational family housing, dating a string of strangers, or entering an arranged marriage, the cultural challenges continue as Sam's children grow to become parents of their own, always exploring the pros and cons of these two contrasting ways of life.
As Sam becomes a grandfather, his heart is opened in ways he never imagined possible. After achieving tremendous success in his long career, both in India and the US, his priorities begin to shift. Navigating the seasons of life, he dives deeper into his spiritual journey and resets his priorities to focus on his beloved wife, children, and grandchildren. The story explores various adventures, challenges, conflicts, and relationships as Sam's notion of 'no limits' gets tested at the intersection of heart, mind, and soul. In the end, during his sunset years, Sam retrospectively examines the real meaning of Infinity . . . and Beyond.
Sam is complex, and flawed, yet resolute and lovable. Wonderfully created supporting characters, beautiful settings, emotionally-packed situations, lyrical and engaging writing style, and strong narrative spine make the book a 'must read',
Written from a unique perspective and multiple points of view, this fictional story carries significant moral value as it guides us from the sunrise to the sunset of Sam's life. Readers are taken on an emotional and sensual journey with this beautiful, healthy, loving family, as Sam reflects on the lessons that matter most. These meaningful life lessons are bound to leave readers with a high-value take away and will have them thinking long after they close the book.