The headlines are getting more frequent — the language, more inflammatory. A war between the generations. The greedy boomers refusing to get out of the way. The hapless millennials struggling to find a footing. A crisis in pensions. A crisis in jobs. A crisis in health care ... But is that the true story? In this provocative new book, David Cravit, author of "The New Old," dissects the apparent war — and comes to some surprising conclusions.
Yes, there are intergenerational conflicts (and some of them look serious) ... but the "war" is a matter of emotion more than reality
Yes, the boomers and seniors "are" changing all the rules of the "expected" way to age ... but the results are anything but dire, as so many pundits would have us believe
Yes, the millennials "are" outnumbered and ill-equipped ... but they're being saved, anyway
As David Cravit shows, even as the apparent intergenerational war unfolds, the winning "army" is already creating the peace ... and the foundations for a much more creative, cooperative, and successful society of the future.
"Some would have it that we're on the brink of a 'War of the Generations.' They read about soaring health-care costs and prepare to enlist. Well, I wish everyone would just calm down! Before we're dragged into some unnecessary nastiness, I advise us all to read David's book to get a better sense of how we're all in this together." —MOSES ZNAIMER, Founder and CEO, ZoomerMedia Limited, Toronto, Ontario
"A must read for academics, business executives, political pundits, policy wonks — for anyone concerned about the future social health and economic viability of Western nations." —BRENT GREEN, author of "Marketing to Leading-edge Baby Boomers and Generation Reinvention," Denver, Colorado
David Cravit is the author of "Beyond Age Rage" and "The New Old." He has over 35 years' experience in advertising and marketing management in North America and is currently Vice President of ZoomerMedia Limited.