About the Book
Just Think, O Reader, if you could give a Christmas Present that would Liberate Mankind from all Forms of Slavery, what would it be? "Of course, it would be the Baby Jesus," you might say. But, what did Jesus Teach, which might Liberate Mankind from all Slavery ― such as Education Slavery, Work Slavery, Tax Slavery, Insurance Slavery, Rent Slavery, Home-owner Slavery, Interest Slavery, Mortgage Slavery, ElecTrickery Bills Slavery, Food Bills Slavery, Water Bills Slavery, Gas Bills Slavery, Transportation Bills Slavery, Telephone Bills Slavery, Internet Bills Slavery, Entertainment Bills Slavery, Drug Bills Slavery, Doctor Bills Slavery, Hospital Bills Slavery, Childcare Bills Slavery, Nursing Home Bills Slavery, Funeral Home Bills Slavery, and Endless Bills SLAVERY? "Awe, you only have to Believe in Jesus, and Accept his Mysterious Teachings, and you too can be SAVED," you might say; but, neither you nor the Pastor of any Church can Point Out just Exactly HOW People can be Saved from Modern Slavery. Otherwise, Politicians might also be Preaching that same Good News; but, behold, they have no such Good News to Preach: beCause of not Discovering The Gospel According to Saint Bartholomew, nor "The Good News According to Saint Andrew!" (A Major Missing Gospel in the Unholy Mutilated Bible!) By Liberty and Justice for ALL! Book 130, which is now Available among Amazon Books. However, this Inspired Book gets Directly to the Heart of our Massive Problems, and within only 20 Pages, which makes it one of the Best Christmas Gifts, itself, even though it Pales in Comparison to what is Revealed within the Book, which Reveals HOW we can ALL become Moderately RICH, and without Telling any Lies, nor Selling any Capitalist Trash! Yes, it will no doubt Astound most People to Learn it, even as it Astounded us at Amazon, which is WHY that we are Shipping a few Copies of it in Black and White Print to some of our Best Customers, who will most Appreciate it: beCause it Contains Liberating Truths that no Person can Prove to be WRong by any Means. Indeed, the Black and White Edition costs less than a Hamburger, French Fries and a Coke; but, it contains Trillions of Dollars-worth of Important Information, which no Educated Person wants to be without. So, rather than wait around for it to Arrive in a Mysterious Package, you can now get Ahead of the Race with this Inspired Book, which is Guaranteed to Satisfy your Soul. In Fact, if you do not Love it, just Return it in Good Condition for a Full Refund: beCause, there are some Silly People in this World of Wonders, who are not Interested in getting Moderately Rich, who Like to SUFFER for some Strange Reason. However, if you can get them to "Reed" just 20 Pages of it, they might Change their Minds, and even be Saved from their Extreme Spiritual, Physical and Material Poverty, who have never Met King Solomon, who is Obviously Alive and Well!