How to really be Healthy and Live "pH Balanced"Being pH balanced and living a healthy life can be achieved by following an Alkaline Diet lifestyle. Our body needs to maintain a pH level of 7.35 - 7.45 for fighting against diseases and maintaining optimal health. Properly balanced pH levels can reduce daily issues and lower the possibility for certain chronic health risks.
According to a wise doctor, "Disease is complicated, health is not."
Treating a disease may be very costly accompanied by the horrifying side effects of medications. Preventing a disease may be much more affordable and it has no side effects. Becoming healthy by eating healthy food can be much easier to achieve and it is something we all can achieve if we wish to.
According the Alkaline Diet, people should consume 80 per cent of alkaline forming foods and 20% per cent of acid forming foods in each meal. This delicate alkaline balance is very important because it has been proven that diseases can't stay alive in an alkaline environment.
Again, our body always regulates and adjusts itself to keep our blood plasma at a pH level between 7.35 and 7.45.
However, we can assist our body by opting to add alkaline forming foods to our diet.
As stated earlier the pH balance refers to how acidic or alkaline our body is, particularly saliva, tissues and blood. All functions performed by any organ depend on the range of pH level.
A food is considered as acidic or alkalizing based on its effect on our body, after it has been processed in our body.
There are several diseases that can be aggravated by imbalance of pH in our blood and they include osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and heart problems.
So the more alkalizing food we eat, the more pH-balanced or alkaline our body will become. But we should try to stick to the rule of 80/20 in our alkaline diet in order to maintain the delicate pH balance in our body for a painless healthy lifestyle.
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