About the Book
This book contains the benefits of yoga and pranayam. There are four types of yoga and eight types of pranayam. Pranayam is the science of breathing. In pranayam the first two fingers of the right hand palm are to be cured and last two fingers are to be kept straight and to be held together. Pranayam provides the lightness to the body and acts as a disease destructor. Pranayam helps in the lungs expansion. It is helpful in meditation also. The yogic breathing is for bringing the oxygen to the blood and to the brain. The oxygen is needed in our body and supplies the oxygen to the body. It is said that fie types of pranayam supplies to the body. It is said that five types of prana are responsible are responsible for various pranic activities in the body. These pranic activities are prana, Apana, Vyan, Udana and Samana. Prana and Apana are the important activities. Prana is upward flowing and Apana is downward flowing. The eight yogas ate known as Ashtangayoga. There are many types of pranayam - Quiet breathing, Deep breathing, Clavicular breathing, Fast breathing, Kapaalbhati, Tribandha, Bhastrika, Suryan bhedan pranayam, Sheetali, Ujjayi pranayam, Nadi shuddhi. Kapaalbhati pranayam - Kapaal means skull and bhati means light. The emphasis is on the exhalation process. Anulom vilom pranayam- It is the alternate nostril breathing. It is one of the main type of the pranayam. It is also mentioned in the hatha yoga, Siva samhita, Upanishads and Puranas. Ujjayi pranayam- It is a part of the Ashtanga yoga and Vinyasa yoga. The practises of these yogas are used by the ancient yogis of the India. This pranayam derives its name from the sanskrit word Ujjayi which means to be victorious. This pranayam keeps the mind cool and the body warm.It also has deep inhalation process. Advantages of Ujjayi pranayam-This pranayam increases the blood circulation in the body.It helps the body to get rid of the toxins which are accumulate in the body. It helps in tension relief. It also helps in the headaches and provide the relief from the other respiratory problems. Suryan bhedan pranayam-In this pranayam, the right nostril is called the Surya nadi and the left nostril is called the Chandra nadi.The surya nadi is also called the surya swara.Thats why its name is Surya bhedan pranayam. It is a simple and very effective breathing technique. It is a Kumbhaka breathing technique which is one of eight Mahakumbhakas. The word bhedan means enter or breaking through.There are many tyoes of yoga asanas- The sun salutation, Leg raises, Basic breathing, Hala asana, Shoulder stand, Matsya asana, Dhanur asana, Padma asana, Swastika asana, Tadagaasana, Vajraasana, Uttanapad asana, Makaraasana, Bhujangasana, Salabhasana, Parvatasana, Vrikshasana, Shavasana, Datta mudra.Sukha pranayama, Janu hastasana, Hasta Shirasana, Kantha Sanchalan, Adhvasan, Brahma mudra, Tadagi pranayama, Ardhachakrasan, Anantasana, Vipritakarani, Sarwangasana, Ashwini mudra, Naukasana, Samasana, Padmaasan yoga mudra type-1, Padmaasan yoga mudra type-2, Vakrasana -1, Vakrasana -2, Sharanagata mudra, Ardha matsyendrasana, Supta vajrasana, Veerasana, Trikonasana, Niralamb, Chakrasan, Simhaasan, Garbhaasana, Padangushtasana, Merudandasana, Utkatasana, Tolangulasana, Ugrasana, Hansaasana, Ardhapadmabandhasana, Ekapadaashirasana, Parivarta gasana, Veera bhadrasana, Trikonasana, Sankatasana, Garudasana, Mridang bandha, Patangasana, Ushtrasana, Paschimottasana, Vajraasana, Ardha naukasana, Tiryak asana, Tiryak dhanurasana, Urdhwa mukha shwanasana, Adho mukha shwanasana, Gomukhasana, Vistrut pad Sarvangasana, Tiryak sarvangasana, Utthan pad kati chakrasana, Vajra ardha paschimottanasana, Vajra ardha bhujangasana, Vajra ardha padmaasana, Parighasan, Mayurasan, Dwi pad shirasan, Malasan, Bakasan, Anantasan, Vashistasan, Kashyapasana, Ardha Padma bandhasan, Vatayanasan, Balasana, Pada rajakapotasana. Katichakrasana - This asana is good for relieving constipation.