Beneath a crescent moon, a clash of cymbals, as Christian and Arab nations met in mortal combat, through the ages.
They fought for supremacy amidst the arid, desert sands, in the present, as much as the past. One, was a part of the other; No dividing line existed between the modern or the ancient, neither was there between Christian or Moslem, Knights Templar, or Saracen, not as Irving lived it, for he was a part of both.
In the present, Irving lived for, and wanted only music at the core of everything. To nurture this love through the ages, love which transcended all. Such was the passion that Mallory Irving had for his music, and the beautiful Arab girl Yasmina. He, was loved, no less by Harriet Anders, in the present, who craved his love in return, but was unsure she had it.
The past shrouded his future, as did the ghost of Simon de Rochefort, the Templar Knight, and brother Bartholomew, the gatekeeper, who forever called him eternally to battle. Was there to ever be peace between the future and the past?
Let the story unravel, page by tantalizing page, let it draw you in and immerse you in its depths!