If you want to take back control of your life, managing your emotional reactions and healing yourself with a guided meditation, then keep reading...
Imagine a life where you are in control. You don't react to the world, you act within it. You don't allow your emotions to control your life, you control your life. Imagine a life where you have insight into the people and places around you, where you can see things that others cannot, or will not, and imagine a life where you would know the difference. Success, happiness, wisdom, they call be yours if you are willing to do the work. Don't worry, it's not hard. You just need to open your mind to the experience.
What experience? Chakra meditation. By making it part of your daily life, you can live a happier and healthier life with your mind and heart at peace, and your senses more attuned to the physical and the spiritual than ever before. Your religion, if you have one, doesn't matter to what you will learn. As you progress, if you like you can introduce elements of your faith into your meditations, but it isn't necessary.
By simply practicing the skills that you find within these pages, you will enjoy the same benefits that people all over the world have been enjoying for thousands of years, and frankly in this day and age, are more relevant today than ever before.
Through meditation, your chakras are the key that will open the door to a new world of wisdom, insight and enlightenment. This book will do that for you by introducing you to the world of chakras and meditation.
This is a world where you can find balance between yourself and the world around you, and balance between yourself and your own inner world. You will learn how to gather and channel positive energy as well as use it to benefit and heal your life.
In this book, you will also learn:
A quick history of chakras, what they are and what they are used for
Balancing and Opening your chakras
What is meditation, the different types and the postures
The connection between chakras and meditation
Specific chakra meditations
Expanding mind power
The chakra meditations
Psychic abilities
Positive energy
Living in Balance
There is so much here, so much for me to share, and so much for you to learn as you prepare for this journey. Make no mistake, it is a journey, one of spiritual and mental growth, one that takes courage and a willingness to look the unknown in the face. By opening this book, you are opening a new chapter in your life. By walking this path with me, by allowing me the privilege of being your guide, you are taking your first steps into a new and amazing world. Here you will begin to build the skills you need to peek behind the veil and see yourself and the world around you as they truly are. It won't be easy, at least not all the time, but it will be worthwhile, and you will come away equipped to take on the next leg of that journey.
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