"Kaeng" and "Prik Kaeng"
"Kaeng" refers to a type of liquid dish that has various names depending on the cooking method and ingredients. Many people may be familiar with the idea that curry must be a food that has "prik Kaeng" as the main ingredient in cooking. But in fact, the types of curry are divided into 2 main types:
Kaeng Kati, which is divided into 2 types:
Kaeng Kati with curry paste, such as Kaeng Kua, Kaeng Thepo, Panang, Kaeng Karee, Kaeng Khiao Wan, Kaeng Phet, Kaeng Massaman
Kaeng Kati without curry paste, such as Tom Kati Sai Bua, Tom Kha Gai
Kaeng Kati without coconut milk, which is divided into 2 types:
Kaeng Kati without coconut milk with curry paste, such as Kaeng Pa, Kaeng Som
Kaeng Kati without curry paste, such as Kaeng Jid, Tom Som, Tom Kem
*Note: This method of making red curry paste is a modern recipe, so black pepper is used. If you want the original curry paste recipe, use white pepper.