What this book is about:
Bee Fit is about incorporating exercise and yoga poses with your baby.
As a parent of two, I understand that time to work out or going to the gym is mostly non-existent. This book will give you tips and advice on how to work out using strength training and yoga incorporating your children into your workouts either at home or in the park. This is by means of baby wearing in a wrap/sling or using the buggy.)
There are 45 different exercises and yoga poses within the book including walking or running with the buggy, planks, strength training, lunges, arm stretches etc. There is a nutrition plan, and nutrition advice. There is also information on Diastasis Recti, relaxation and meditation and the exercises and yoga poses themselves. Included also is a four week yoga exercise training programme.
Why this book needs to be written:
This book will be for new mums or parents wanting to get back into fitness and making fitness fun by including their babies and children into their workouts or yoga sessions.
There are not many books if any that incorporate children into your daily exercise routine. There are a lot of books for pre and post-natal and general exercise but nothing which helps both mum and baby of which my book does.
I think this will be a really good seller as there is a target audience of new mums and the health advisors will always say keep active and get out of the house, even in the early days of having a new born.
As a parent of two, I understand that time to work out or going to the gym is mostly non-existent. This book will give you tips and advice on how to work out using strength training and yoga incorporating your children into your workouts either at home or in the park. This is by means of baby wearing in a wrap/sling or using the buggy.
There are 45 different exercises and yoga poses within the book including walking or running with the buggy, planks, strength training, lunges, arm stretches etc. There is a nutrition plan, and nutrition advice. There is also information on Diastasis Recti, relaxation and meditation and the exercises and yoga poses themselves. Included also is a four week yoga exercise training programme.
BEE FIT Book Audience
My audience for this book will be new mums or parents wanting to get back into fitness and making fitness fun by including their babies and children into their workouts or yoga sessions.
My book will be good for post natal depression as there are some breathing exercises and relaxation techniques which will help with this.
My idea is to publish in soft back and as an E-book as some people may not want to take the actual book to the park. It will be easy to access via a smart phone or tablet and will be easy to follow.