You Are About To Discover The Best Collection Of Bedtime Stories That Will Instantly Send Your Little One To Dreamland Without You Having To Beg, Threaten And Engage In All Manner Of Power Struggles And Manipulation Techniques To Get Them To Sleep!
We all know it; sleep is good for growing children. But it seems as if they just don't get it and they have to refuse literally everything you tell them is good for them. Even when they are rubbing their eyes, dozing off and visibly sleepy, some children will plainly just not want to sleep.
It can be tiring to even the most committed of parents.
But this is about to end, thanks to calming and sleep inducing bedtime stories in this book!
While you may have thought bedtime stories are just that; bedtime stories to get your kids to sleep, the truth is that their benefits stretch much further than just making your little one to sleep!
Bedtime stories help you to strengthen the bond you have with your son or daughter that you will both cherish. That's not all; they enhance vocabulary, teach admirable qualities that kids want to develop and improve on their imagination and spatial intelligence. The ability to construct mental images of beautiful unseen worlds and characters like those in 'Once upon a time' will help develop those parts of your child's brain that are useful in creative conceptualization...!
The list of benefits is just endless!
And this book is specially optimized to help your son or daughter achieve all that and some more!
So if you are wondering....
Will the book help my son or daughter learn anything other than just getting them to sleep?
Are the stories in the book soothing, relaxing and child friendly - to ensure they don't end up having nightmares?
Is the language in the book simple and straightforward to ensure my son/daughter understands what the stories are about?
Are they completely unique?
Can they help with hyperactive of children to wind down and sleep?
If you have such questions, the answer is a resounding YES so keep reading....
More precisely, the book covers stories like:
- Superheroes dominating the land
- An island, a black egg and penguin
- The super story
- The cat's rattlesnake
- The dress
- Typical adventure in the magic shed
- A magic ball
- Elizabeth, Queen of Cambodia
- The sound in the bottle
- The story of the two sisters
- Business mouse
- Wild bird blues
- Missing picnic food
- Caterpillar sound
- Wizard's mirror
- Once upon a time
- And many others
What's more: Infused in all these bedtime stories are important lessons like:
- The value of kindness
- How to be courageous when they are afraid
- Why patience is important
- Why love and friendship matter more than money
- When to take risks in life
- And many more admirable qualities
Don't pass this opportunity to give your child a chance to visit the enchanted worlds of noble princes, witches, sea monsters, beautiful princesses and powerful superheroes all nicely blended together in this soothing and calming bedtime stories book.
Remember: The stories aren't scary so don't worry about giving your child any nightmares!
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