It's Time To Snuggle Up With Your Child Every Single Night As They Drift Off Into A Deep Sleep With This Relaxing 10 Hour Collection Of Bedtime Stories!
Does your child often struggle falling asleep at night? Do they have difficulty relaxing in our tech fueled world? Do you want to enhance your Child's creativity& imagination, improve their vocabulary and develop their mindfulness?
In Bedtime Stories For Kids Collection- Magicians, Dinosaurs, Aliens, Dragons& More! you'll discover wildly interesting stories & memorable characters that will help teach your Child l life lessons as the deeply relaxing story allows them to drift off into a healing sleep.
Not only that, but each and every story will help express your Child's imagination and express their untapped creativity in ALL areas of their life.
It is also the BEST way to help deepen your bond with your child, and Studies have constantly shown improved Logic skills, reading abilities, vocabulary range & even reduced stress levels for Children who listen to Bedtime Stories on a regular basis.
And, each story has been tailored towards Toddlers and Pre-adolescent Children, meaning all 10 hours are 100% Kid friendly! (We've also made sure the stories are suitable for both boys and girls!)
Oh, and this Audiobook is simply a MUST in any families audio book library, but can also be used by your Child alone for when you are unable to read to them. (And, if you fancy reading instead of listening, simply use the PDF attached with every purchase)
Even if your child currently wakes up 20 times a night, takes hours to even calm down enough for sleep& you've never read a Bedtime Story to them before, this relaxing collection of 10 hours' worth of Bedtime Stories is IDEAL for helping your child get the healing sleep they need EVERY night.
So, If You Want Over 10 Hours' Worth Of Bedtime Stories To Help Your Child Fall Asleep Every Single Night, While Spending Quality Time Together Then Scroll Up And Click "Add To Cart."