About the Book
This book, like her previous book, Love Goes Walking: Notes From My Inner Garden, is composed of the author's regular Facebook sharings on the infinite spirit that is in us all. This is not the kind of book one reads straight through, from cover to cover, moving from premise to premise in order to reach some logical conclusion. It is a book to be read intuitively, contemplatively, here a little, there a little. Its aim is to inspire, to uplift, to validate, and, hopefully, to help the reader to center within, where his/her true self (Love) resides. Being non-religious, the author has a church, it has nothing to do with any organized institution-or with a building-or a gathering together of bodies who happen to share some beliefs in common. The Facebook community is one kind of church. Dear reader-please understand that nothing shared in these pages is by any means dictated as a "must do" for anyone. Please keep in mind that these sharings are but the author's own inner voice speaking to herself about herself and our Source. The author shares them with you in the hope that it will help us to walk in peace and unity all the way home to self-realization. Our collective spirit exists at the subatomic level, as the ONE power that binds us all together between those theoretical atomic particles that science says make up the material of our universe. It is that connection that pulls us all together as tiny bits of awareness in the ONE GREAT AWARENESS that some call God. And so, this is church, gathering-together within the infinite invisible. The author regards this connecting power or source as Love, manifest as light. It is the ONE Presence in which we all live and move and have our being. Moreover, despite outward appearances, we are made in Its image, as Love and as LIGHT, though we barely remember our true origin as Beautiful, Naked Light! We are now, it seems, almost to flashpoint, almost to where, en masse, we are awakening to our unity, our innocence, and our Divine origin. We are, collectively and individually, remembering this singular flow of Love within us, and we are forgetting that old tree of two opposing powers that once enslaved us to an existence lived in isolation from one another and from our Source. The fig leaves are dropping. And we are beginning to walk once more as naked LIGHT, divested of our consciousness of being in "coats of skin" Now we are beginning to wake up and walk simply as the Love and LIGHT that we are. We are many Loves, many expressions of the ONE Love walking. When we, by Love ITSELF, are awakened from within, we realize our ONENESS and we ARE the only church that truly is. And this, then, is when we unbushel our beautiful, naked light. We are the light of the world. ALL of us!
About the Author: Now recovered from "religion" per se, Diana Robbins was born into a hyper-religious "Christian" family wherein she, like many of all generations and of other religions, was mentally, spiritually, and otherwise abused and neglected. At a very young age, she and her siblings became well acquainted with abandonment, hunger and sexual predation. Nevertheless, she survived all that by the Presence of the ONE within her. She considers herself as that proverbial "Child Who's Got Her Own." Mother of three grown children and grandmother of six, Diana is a retired nurse and minister, but has had a number of vocations and avocations, of which writing is only one. Also and artist and musician, Diana describes herself as a "Jill of all trades and mistress of none," whose endless intellectual curiosity about the world at large led her down a number of blind paths. At the same time, her life experience has helped her to see that there is a higher consciousness of life and Love beyond the human experience-an experience beyond the limitations of mere human intellect. The author holds that when our gifts outweigh our perceived limitations, we find ways to survive and to transcend. We all have such gifts, without exception, and in great abundance. We can all get in touch with our original, innocent, awake self. We can transcend this often discordant and death-ridden human experience. It is not a matter of escaping anything, but rather, of transcending in consciousness what was never meant to be our experience at all. It is this transcendence of a discordant life experience that Diana shares and writes about. She shares with a passion born of this inner Love, in which we live, move, and have our being. This Love seeks Its expression through us. Diana is also the author of Eli and the Figure Eight (written under the pen name of Unity Walker) and of When Love Goes Walking: Notes From My Inner Garden