Are you going through hormonal ups and downs?
Does your menopausal weight keep creeping up?
Are you unclear about what diet to follow and exercise to do?
Do you want to know the best ways to deal with stress and improve your sleep?
Beat Your Menopause Weight Gain: Balance Hormones, Stop Middle-Age Spread, Boost Your Health and Vitality is packed with useful information on what is happening during the menopause, why, and the role of hormones throughout the whole process. However, most women experience one particularly troublesome symptom during this time, which can not only cause health problems but also negatively impact confidence - weight gain.
During the menopause, weight is easier to gain and harder to lose. Yes, you would think that women have done enough throughout their lives, without having to deal with even more trouble! Unfortunately, that is not the case, and Mother Nature wants to deal you one last blow! The good news is that you can turn the issue around, either working to lose any weight you have gained or preventing the weight gain in the first place.
Beat Your Menopause Weight Gain: Balance Hormones, Stop Middle-Age Spread, Boost Your Health and Vitality will help you to:
- Understand what the perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause are and the role of hormones within all three
- Learn about the common symptoms experienced during this time of life
- Understand why weight gain, particularly troublesome visceral fat, can be a common issue during the menopause
- View the menopause through positive eyes, rather than allowing it to create more stress and upset
- Make lifestyle changes which will keep your weight in check, but also help overcome the other symptoms which the menopause may bring your way
- Find the confidence within yourself to reach out for help and advice whenever you need it, and also connect with other women in similar situations
... and so much more.
Dealing with any situation comes down to finding the right information and knowing how to adopt this for your own life.
Consider this book your go-to guide on how to deal with one of the most troublesome menopausal symptoms, and therefore overcome the negative effects of your menopausal weight gain to your health. By the end of your menopausal journey, you will be fitter, healthier, and more confident as a result.
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Scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button now, and you will learn how to balance your hormones and stop the middle-aged spread.