As the constellations appear to spin about the North Star, so humanity centers around God. In keeping with this theme, Battle Cryreveals the power of Greek mythology at work within the Bible.
Vast in scope and uncompromising in detail, this astonishing book examines Greek gods such as Zeus, Athena, and Apollo, as well as constellations like Perseus, Andromeda, and Cepheus, as pointers to the spiritual domain.
Discover how the story of Andromeda, who was chained to a rock by the sea and saved by Perseus, matches the story of Christ's redemption and betrothal. Biblical themes such as the Throne of God, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and the Trinity further make the case that the constellations in our night sky are placed there as lessons of light shining in the darkness. You'll also be amazed at how Homer, with his epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey, as well as thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle, illuminate the continuity between the ancient Greeks and Christianity.
By showing how Greek myths and constellations serve as guides to understanding the Bible, Battle Cry proves to be both fascinating and spiritually enlightening.
About the Author: William FX Carroll earned a degree from the University of Washington: Department of Architecture before becoming a tradesman and onsite foreman. Working as an industrial contractor for over thirty years, his current company is highly rated by the construction monitoring organization.
His debut book, Battle Cry, was inspired by a mystifying guidance that both terrifies and awes him. His hope is that someone reading it will be empowered to change his or her life through a better understanding of Jesus Christ.