Each chapter in the Battle of the Undites is a spiritual expedition through life's triumphs and temptations, where the characters are learning ways of coping with the difficulties and evil all around us and experiencing new joys.
Heroes are hunted by World Security Police. Their journey illuminates the chastisements and rewards we experience when they listen to the protector's voice.
Revealed are the deceits, arrogance and failures of the worldly and the spiritual enemies of God and man and their final downfall.
The spiritual enemies of God are not only erudite and devious demonic monsters with horns and tails as portrayed by C. S. Lewis in his fantasy satire, Screwtape Letters[1], which spoke to previous generations. They are highly organized, crafty and powerful spiritual beings making meticulous plans and executing their deceitful mind-control schemes with military precision and extraordinary proficiency. After all, they once were holy angels and lost their high places due to pride and lust for power. They are defeated only by Christlike humility and grace.
From the consultant-editor: "I commend the Battle of the Undites to every young and not-so-young adult who is seeking a stimulating read by a competent writer with trustworthy spiritual insights and understanding - a far better read than stories of wizards, witches and warlocks. The author's own military experience allows him to create convincing battle scenes of evil against good." - Barbara Gordon, CEO, Mount Victoria House of Prayer, Inc.
Sydney 2095: World Security Police are hunting two high school students when guardians from another dimension intervene and the battle of the Undites begins in earnest.
The novel describes great changes, the World Government, the guardians and what the protector will do for our grandchildren and their children when they are willing to put aside differences, realise that they are at war and have a good leader.
One fateful day after arrest and detainment three undites could have been filled with frustration after being pulled over by police, searched and questioned all morning and the tedium of waiting for their vehicle to be minutely examined. Instead, their day was filled with joyful excitement. They made it an opportunity to tell people about the protector. Their spiritual guardians came swiftly to help them.
[1] Lewis, C.S., The Screwtape Letters, a view of our world from the dark depths of hell, 1942