Basic Practising Skills in English: With Worksheets and Exercises 2 is intended for primary school learners. Composed of 15 chapters, 14 of the chapters feature a reading passage, new word reading list, list of unfamiliar phrases, listen and talk activity, free writing creative exercise, and a comprehension writing exercise. Chapter 15 offers revision exercises.
The reading passages provide practice in the reading skills of fluency, clarity, articulation, pronunciation, and fast-reading pace. The new word reading section helps students read and spell words, gain word familiarisation, word meanings, and word use in sentences. Unfamiliar phrases show how to deduce meanings of phrases as used in a passage or in full sentences.
Listen and talk activity offers practice in listening and talking skills, turn taking, being attentive, oral comprehension, and use of non-verbal cues. Creative writing/composition writing exercises deliver practice in free-form writing, creative or critical thinking, and in composing coherent sentences.
Comprehension writing exercises test reading, memory, comprehension, and writing skills in response to questions within a passage.
The main characters in the reading passages are young children (5-12 years old), interacting with adults. All stories are set in Africa in present day (2018) or the past (1980).