This book is meant to be the (official) foundation of a new (trinity) society of the highest (western) standards, and it introduces in this effort the constitutional, existential laws of nature for developing human life: the five basic human rights. The society is meant to reanchor the Jewish God on Latin (European/German) ground after the Holocaust. Its law qualifies as supreme law of Europe and it clarifies the (new and equally ancient) emergent European "citizen" and the author dearly hopes, it could one day "prepare the ground" for a precisely defined and narrowed down conflict leading to a reformation of and an innovation within the diverse societies in the Islamic world allowing finally for an attainable high and highly "natural" justice.
This book provides answers to the following questions: What is the (first) foundation of Europe? What is nature? What is natural? What is a church? What is a family? What creates a terrorist? What is language? What is an agnostic? What is an atheist? What is tolerance? What is knowledge? What is a saint? What is a (humane) god? What is a (natural) thing? What is of importance? What is a deacon? What is compliance? What is judgment? What is truth? What makes us human? What is a person? What is an individual? What is well-defined? What is conscience? What is (natural) thinking? What is identity? How about gender-neutral language? What is a word? What is an alphabet? What is experience? What is understanding? What is imagination? What is love? What is belonging? What is religion? What is an ideology? What is a city? What is a society? What is a nation? What is a republic? What is a court? What is "natural" justice? What is a citizen? What is democracy? What is a dictatorship? What is a communion of saints and how is it taken advantage of? What is a Hohenlohe? What is an Egyptian cross? Who is Johannes Baptist of Hall? What is behind the cross pattée? What created the Holy Roman Empire? How about the Third Reich? What or who is a "devil"? And most importantly: how is all of this related?
The famous "Gettier problem" of philosophy is solved in this book.
About the Author: Henning Dierolf was born and grew up in and around the ancient German/Celtic town of Hall where the family had settled many centuries ago. He was hailed as highly "gifted" by the Ministry for Youth, Culture and Sports of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, with great promise. Hall is one of the formerly Imperial Free Cities of the Holy Roman Empire that supported Luther even though they were part of the Empire that lasted in Europe for 1000 years since Charlemagne. In Hall, once the "pearl" of the emperor, the Third Reich resistance Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Sophie and Hans Scholl are rooted; this is to say that Hall's traditions gave them a very justifiable existence.
Henning began higher studies in the young city of Karlsruhe, sometimes known as the "city of the (modern) law," because the highest courts of Germany are located there. His university was the "Fridericiana," which was to him a "Carl" school (a school for "true" men) under the guidance of Athena (known as the Greek "goddess" of wisdom, strategy, battle, art, craftsmanship and handwork) and that invented the discipline of industrial engineering, where Heinrich Hertz discovered the electro-magnetic waves and where Carl Benz was taught the basics that led him to invent the automobile. There Henning graduated with the equivalent to a Master of Science degree in Informationswirtschaft as one of the best in his class. This discipline teaches the role/leadership models of the "informant" and the "informer," which are contained in two separable/distinctive "citizen" traditions. The study programs leading to this career were regarded by the leadership of the state as innovative.
Later, after university, Henning moved to Munich, where the Counter-Reformation had once been declared by the Jesuits. Working for the Bavarian government next door to St. Michael's, he was responsible for large-scale sampling and analysis of the demographics and organizational structure of the German people as part of a federal classified census project.
In 2010, he started the foundation of Devarai, which in Hebrew means "my words/things" (similar to "my ontology") and that is mainly dedicated to language puzzles.