- NEW—The text has been made independent of any software package.
- NEW—All examples and case studies have been redone, and some expanded to make their presentations more detailed.
- NEW—The numbers of problems has been increased by roughly 25%.
- NEW—Some sections of the text have included augmented figures, discussion or explanation.
- May be used without the accompanying software and models with no detriment to understanding.
- Compliant with Unified Modeling Language 2
- Substantially updated content
- More robust process
- Extensive exercises with solution
- Instructor's on-line solutions manual
About the Authors
Rumbaugh and Michael Blaha are two of the "founding fathers" of UML. They invented UML, the basis for UML, along with Booch notation. Their first edition was crucial to the development and adoption of Object-Oriented methods when they were in their infancy. Blaha is a worldwide consultant and is a partner with Modelsoft Consulting, and SentientPoint Corporation. He is active in the IEEE Computer Society. Rumbaugh is a Distinguished Engineer with the Rational brand of IBM and is one of the original co-designers of UML. He is a highly influential author.Features
- A significant number of end-of-chapter problems have been updated
- The Verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL) has been updated and expanded to exploit key enhancements that were introduced in IEEE standards 1364-2001 and 1364-2005
- The text introduces more graphical material to better serve learners oriented to graphical mediums. Karnaugh maps are, likewise, presented with additional graphics to facilitate understanding of their use
- HDL material is presented at a level suitable for students learning digital circuits and a hardware description language at the same time
About the Authors
M. Morris Mano, California State University, Los Angeles.
Micheal D. Ciletti, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs.Features
- A completely new chapter on macroeconomics and business cycles has been included
- An Indian perspective has been presented through examples and case studies. The merger and acquisition concept has been highlighted through recent cases such as the ArcelorMittal and the Sahara–Jet Airways mergers, and Tata Motors’ acquisition of JLR
- Exercises have been designed to give students a hands-on experience in managerial economic
- An additional section on productivity in the services sector has been included in addition to a new topic on the Loss Leadership Model
About the Authors
Paul G. Keat is an Associate Professor Emeritus and has been a member of the Global Business Faculty at Thunderbird School of Global Management.
Philip K. Y. Young is the founder and president of Nth Degree Systems, Inc., and is also a member of the global faculty network of Duke Corporate Education.
Sreejata Banerjee is an associate professor for the Union Bank Chair for Excellence in Banking at the Madras School of Economics, Chennai.Features
Mapped to the latest syllabus
Figures and Tables to illustrate the major concepts
Solved Examples after every key topic to build a strong foundation in analysis
Objective Questions, Review Questions and Practice Problems
Solved University Question papers
Table of Contents:
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
Resistive Network Analysis
AC Network Analysis
Transient Analysis
AC Power – Generation and Distribution
Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement
Magnetism, Magnetic Circuits, and Electromechanical Energy Conversion
DC Machines
Three-Phase Induction Motors
Single-Phase Motors
Alternator and Synchronous Motor
Second Semester Examination–2010
First Semester Examination–2009
Second Semester Examination–2009
First Semester Examination–2008
Second Semester Examination–2008