Are You Baptized According To the Truth Of Scripture?
What Will You Learn From This Book?
-What is the true baptism of Jesus Church?
-Does Jesus have many types of baptism for His Church?
-Should all churches baptize the same way?
-Does the Bible teach us to baptize in 3 titles of Father, Son and Holy Spirit or in The Name?
-Are there any examples of baptism in Father, Son and Holy Ghost in the Holy Bible?
-Is the true baptism of Christ immersion or sprinkling?
-The Disciples of Christ baptized all the churches in the Bible in Jesus Name. Did they do the wrong thing?
-Did the Apostles of Christ blatantly rebel against Jesus, and deceive the world with the wrong baptism?
-Who changed the true baptism of Jesus Church?
-Do I need to be baptized to be saved?
-What is the true purpose of baptism?
-Can baptism really remit peoples sins?
-Can someone be baptized a second time?
Of all the books the Lord told me to write, this is the ONLY one I told Him I didnt want to write. I have decided to obey Him because He wants you to know these truths. He wants the world to know this revelation. BAPTISM- WHAT THE CHURCHES HAVE MISSED is a must read by anyone who wants to know the truth on this subject. This book is filled with deep spiritual revelations, that you might find NEW, but yet they are right there in the PAGES of your BIBLE. The truths in this book are compelling, and they will cause you to revisit many things you were taught. BAPTISM-WHAT THE CHURCHES HAVE MISSED will stir you to make changes. Are you ready?
GRAB two copies, of this book, one for you and the other for your Pastor/Priest/Prophet and Pope.
About the Author
Russana Roberts is a man of God, Author and Entrepreneur, called to the kingdom for such a time as this. He is gifted in the prophetic and revelation knowledge of the Word of God. He has a passion for the Lord Jesus Christ, and is a very demonstrative