Margareta Achiţei has put together and patented a strategy for self-development that she presents in this book. This is how she describes the purpose of her writing.
As you will see, my beloved, I had to cover a long and difficult road before I reached what I already had - and I believe we all have -, an insatiate thirst for LOVE.
Oftentimes, we tend to bury deep in our subconscious mind this need, as if we were ashamed with it.
When we enter the world, the Creator provides us with everything necessary for living a serene, blissful, and fulfilled existence.
However, as we grow older, and age, on the sinuous paths of life, we abandon these priceless values.
Gradually, we indulge in rules, ideologies, limits, fear of failure or shame.
We start to care more and more about what others say and think than caring about what we really want.
And so we become prisoners of our own mind, wandering aimlessly through the desert that we solely create.
We are captivated by the voice of reason insomuch that oftentimes we miss the message of GOD.
Even when, running to nowhere, we reach darkness, we feel unable to use the LIGHT that was given to us all when we started this mission called LIFE - that wonderful light of love offered to us unconditionally from the ocean of the Universe; many times, we can't even notice it.
Even if a pale ray manages to find its way to us, it dashes against limits imposed by our mind, thus failing to warm our soul with its strength.
That is why in many circumstances it is increasingly difficult to follow the soul's desire!
So I decided to invite you, with all my heart, to take part in this game: the game that will ease our return to origins, to the source of our being.
The zero point of our essence, where we sprang, having with us all these wonderful gifts, which slowly, slowly, we started mislaying through small dusty drawers that later we forgot to reopen.
That is why, let's be children again, and with their characteristic generosity, to allow the soul to choose and manifest, in complete bliss, in FORGIVENESS, LOVE, and LIGHT!
Therefore, our goal is magic, that of together learn to love ourselves.
Yes, dear friend, this journey can be wonderful if we learn to enjoy every stage of it, without rushing to its destination!
What do you say?
Have I succeeded to pique your curiosity even a little?
Are you in?
Would you like to take on a new approach... together?
Well... if you ask me, I tell you to try.
In the end, you have nothing to lose, right?
Therefore, get ready to start together for this journey - so beautifully - named LIFE!
Equip yourself with light and easy gear, comfortable shoes, and a backpack inside which, first, you will place the DECISION.
What decision?
THAT OF BEING YOURSELF! Oh... you already started heckling me with questions!
It's perfectly fine!
You know that this is what friends are for - I will gladly answer:
yes, this decision is very important because:
The most important person in your life is you, yourself.
To be with you means to love yourself.
Manifest yourself as you feel and as you are.
Be yourself, without trying to be perfect.
Feel free, give up the clichés.
Your soul is beautiful, love it.
You are unique, so believe in yourself!
"You are the sole person to live with forever!"
(Quote from Louise Hay)
Well, what do you think, are you curious?
Have I managed to convince you at least a little?
Then let's get ready for the trip!
Slowly, slowly, we'll fill the backpack.
What with?
You'll see during our travel.
For now, with your permission, in this wonderful game, I'll act as your guide. S
o, let's wish ourselves "a nice trip!"
Margareta Achiţei